Live: Wings 'N Weed LA + SF Visual Recap
On April 19th & 21st 2019, Zair Williams performed at Wings 'N Weed at Cafe Club Fais Do-Do in Los Angeles, California and at Brick &...

Upcoming: 4 What It's Worth Podcast
First episode dropping on May 1st! Stay tuned for more quality content. Thank you for your support! We will be uploading episodes every...

Releases: Zair Williams - Headspace
Zair Williams drops his first track of the year! Remixing Dreamville's very own, Omen's, "48 Laws" produced by Elite. Take a listen...

Live: Wings N Weed LA + SF April 19th & April 21st
Zair Williams will be performing at Wings & Weed presented by Chris O' Bannon in Los Angeles and San Francisco! TICKETS April 19th - Los...